Real Vitality Podcast
Real Immunity Podcast
Podcast 5: A Diabolical Agenda and a Cause for Hope with Andy Wakefield

Podcast 5: A Diabolical Agenda and a Cause for Hope with Andy Wakefield

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In this interview with Andy Wakefield, Cilla asks Andy to discuss his article The Sixth Extinction: Key points addressed, include:  

  • The success of herd immunity in the measles virus, which proves interventions unnecessary

  • Known and unknown benefits and protections provided by viruses and microbes 

  • Prior exposure to viruses provide protection to later strains, while  inoculation leads to  greater risks and susceptibility

  • Inoculation-resistant strains in highly injected populations 

  • The role of inoculations in promoting resistant strains of the current virus

Andy and Cilla go on to discuss the value of homeoprophylaxis (HP). Despite the success of HP,  it has been devalued and suppressed because it lacks a commercial value to pharmaceutical companies. Finally, Cilla and Andy reflect upon the good news in regards to the current virus in that it has drawn more attention to the problems of the pharmaceutical industry. Andy concludes by sharing a bit about his newest film project. 

DIRECTOR Andrew Wakefield MB.BS., is an academic gastroenterologist. He received his medical degree in 1981. Wakefield has published over 140 original scientific papers, reviews, and book chapters. In 1995, he started investigating a possible role between gastrointestinal issues, the MMR vaccine, and neurological injury in children. In pursuit of this possible link, Dr. Wakefield participated in a study of twelve children with both stomach and developmental issues. The ensuing report, written with twelve other authors, would catapult Wakefield into becoming one of the most controversial figures in the history of Medicine. 

In 2004, freelance journalist, Brian Deer, published an investigation into Wakefield et al. claiming that Wakefield et al. falsified data and committed fraud. Deer attacked Dr. Wakefield’s ethics, as having unreported conflicts of financial interests, and of falsifying research data in a report co-authored by 12 others. Deer’s allegations led the General Medical Council to revoke Dr. Wakefield’s license to practice medicine. More recently, on appeal, the English High Court overturned the allegations made against the senior authors of the Lancet paper and Wakefield’s colleague Professor John Walker-Smith was reinstated and exonerated.

Wakefield continues to fight back on behalf of affected children, winning numerous awards for his writing and films which can be found at His latest film on the infertility epidemic is available for free at

New to HP? Want to learn more? Grab our free HP Whitepaper Resource, covering the top points you’ll want know about HP. Our Whitepaper includes important links to the history of HP, it’s applications, important facts, and even landmark studies. Common questions are all answered there. 

Claims made in this podcast are not intended to be interpreted as medical advice, and have not evaluated by the FDA. Statements made in this podcast are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Consult your healthcare practitioner for medical advice and treatment, and visit for government approved health messages.

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Real Vitality Podcast
Real Immunity Podcast
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